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Brett Bolan is a 3rd generation HVAC professional in his family.      

His grandfather owned and operated a large commercial HVAC company, and Brett’s father owns and runs a residential HVAC company. Brett learned from both men as he would apprentice them and work for both companies throughout his life. Over that time and through the years, he has installed hundreds of systems in homes both big and small, growing ever more familiar with the overall operation and layout of HVAC systems and equipment. 

Brett has an enthusiasm and passion for healthy air and the impact that dirty ductwork can have on his customers. He has noticed time and time again how dirty and dusty the inside of ductwork can become. As someone who suffers from bad dust-borne and seasonal allergies, he is extremely interested in air quality and he greatly sympathizes with people that have these same respiratory issues. He is also someone that has seen firsthand the devastating effects caused by dryer fires due to untreated exhaust blockage.       

This is the foundation formulating the culture at Scrubber Ducts. We have a very personal interest in each individual job that we handle, so as to provide relief from air pollutants. Preventive maintenance is key in removing unnecessary risks that could lead to tragic losses of life and or possessions.


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Schedule Your Appointment Today!

Take a step towards a healthier home environment. Contact Scrubber Ducts today to schedule your HVAC duct inspection and cleaning, as well as dryer vent inspection and cleaning. Our team is ready to serve you and make your home a cleaner, safer, and more comfortable place to live. Breathe easy with Scrubber Ducts!

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